Murugappa Morgan

Consumer Appliances & Food Processing

Enhancing productivity, sustainability and process efficiency in baking ovens.

Providing insulation solutions with market leading Superwool® low biopersistent fibres, for the thermal management of consumer goods and appliances. From household ovens to food processing ovens and equipment to residential hot water heaters, and to the logs in a fireplace, Morgan provides the right thermal insulation product to meet the needs of your application.

In response to market demands, manufacturers of consumer appliances are increasingly concerned with the energy efficiency of their products. They need access to cost-effective and reliable insulation materials and components for their designs. Working with the OEM engineers, we select the best product solution for your application.

Murugappa Morgan's innovative lining solutions for Biscuit and Bakery Ovens of major Food and Biscuit manufacturers have redefined the industry.

Partnering with OEMs and major manufacturers of biscuit and bakery products to design, supply and install Superwool Plus as an optimal insulation solution for ovens, yielding greater productivity, better heat retention and reducing fuel consumption.

Traditional mineral or Rockwool lined ovens used in the biscuit and bakery industry come with a large number of limitations.

  • Our thermographic study showed insulation failure and hot spots at many places.
  • Huge loss of energy through heat dissipation.
  • High fuel consumption - around 80-90 litre per ton
  • Corrosion of the shell leading to rust particles falling on the conveyor
  • Quality rejections and hence revenue loss.

Our Superwool Plus, 1200°C, insulating blankets have emerged as an ideal lining solution for Biscuit and Bakery Ovens, yielding greater productivity, better heat saving and reducing fuel consumption.

Turnkey solutions for Biscuit and Bakery Ovens

Turnkey solutions for the Biscuit and Bakery industry include:

  • Health Condition monitoring of existing Ovens
  • Design, engineering, supply and application of products and systems for enhancing oven performance, minimising heat loss, reducing fuel consumption and lowering skin temperature

Benefits of Murugappa Morgan's Superwool Plus provides manufacturers multiple benefits such as:

  • Greater productivity
  • Reduced production cost
  • Better Quality control
  • Ease of installation
  • Safer operations and manufacturing practices

Our innovative and hazard-free products and insulation systems like Superwool Plus reiterate our abiding commitment to the health and safety of our ecosystem and environment, enabling a seamless alignment with the EHS practices of our customers.

Application Solutions

Residential Appliances

Oven, Stovetop, Water Heaters, Outdoor Grills

Fireplace and Hearth

Logs, Fireplace Surrounds

Cold Storage Appliances and Equipment

Refrigerators, Freezers, Shipping Containers

Food Processing

OEM, Industrial ovens